Here in Scoil na gCailíní the children and staff attend a variety of assemblies. As the name suggests, the school community assembles frequently for many different reasons. Most Fridays we assemble to celebrate the achievements of our pupils. Prizes and certificates are presented to the Pupil of the Week in each class, Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine and Improved Writer of the Week. During these assemblies we also hear which team has won the most petals that week, which class has made a special effort on their flower bed and how our Green School’s competition is progressing.There is also an opportunity to announce some special news / good news or a personal achievement big or small to the school.
The school community also comes together for Religious Assemblies. On these occasions, each class takes turns in sharing a special Religious occasion with the school. For example, we have shared some very spiritual assemblies on St Brigid, All Souls in November, Holy Week and Our Lady during the month of May.
A new addition in recent years has been our Poetry assembly. Every term the school will choose either a poet or a theme. Each class will work on one or a number of poems; share them with their class and then the whole school will congregate to hear poetry from all classes. Successful poetry clubs have included tributes to Heaney, Yeats and Kavanagh as well as themes of trees, autumn/winter, love and funny poems. Many children have even taken to dramatising their poems or singing a version of the poem.